The Bears are deluding themselves into believing Justin Fields is their future QB. During a triumphant win over the Atlanta Falcons, Chicago Bears fans chanted “We want Justin,” as Fields threw for over 260 yards and one touchdown. Texas Longhorns’ reputation for winning fell short, and they looked fraudulent on Monday night. The behaviors of sports owners, such as David Tepper of the Carolina Panthers, need to be eradicated from the game. Aaron Rodgers should work on his sense of humor and distinguish slanderous statements from verbal comebacks. ESPN broadcasted a woman flashing for beads on Bourbon Street during the Sugar Bowl. Alabama’s NIL collective is seeking donations following their loss in the Rose Bowl. The College Football Playoff semifinals felt like the glory days of the sport. The NFL season’s plotlines are being culminated in a finale between the Buffalo Bills and Miami Dolphins. The NFL Pro Bowl vote results are essentially a matchup between the Niners vs. Ravens. As the NFL heads into the final week of the regular season, there are still division titles and playoffs berths to be decided.