The People’s Elbow is a great finishing move made out of a souped-up elbow drop. Johnson spoke about a poll in which 46% of respondents responded they would vote for him as president. Trump’s message resonates because he’s synonymous with wealth due to hate speech towards immigrants and love letters to white supremacists. It’s a serious problem in this country that data is being gathered about his chances at being elected President. A celebrity as president doesn’t fix our nation’s desire to only consume dessert. As much as we may love peach cobbler and apple pie, dinner needs to be the priority. I would be much less troubled if one of them wasn’t a man who speaks with about as much caution as The Joker approaches life in The Dark Knight. The masses don’t want to be asked for money by people with more money than them. The fact that people in politics are spending time researching data about Johnson’s electability, and presenting it to him, is more evidence that our priorities are broken when it comes to leadership. Dissatisfaction with the status quo is fine, but a celebrity soothing you with hate speech or talk of inner peace is not the way to success. There needs to be a more substantial buildup than the anticipation of 20,000 fans as The Rock bounces through the ring before dropping an elbow onto someone’s gut.
Dwayne Johnson: A Rock Better Suited for Hollywood Than the White House