The said Jerry Reinsdorf really hate Chicago White Sox fans, and White Sox fans likewise hate him. The only fundamental that needs to be understood to know what’s going on Southside is this. Reinsdorf went to Nashville. As means of blackmail, he made it appear that he is seen in the Mayor of Nashville’s office and photographed. Everyone, however, can see through this ruse. The White Sox lease at Guaranteed Rate Field runs out in six years, and the Sox don’t even pay rent. Reinsdorf is looking into getting a new park or massive overhaul of the current one, or he might take his aged ass to another town.
He is pushing these ideas despite the fact that everyone knows the Sox aren’t moving. Reinsdorf was underestimating his profile and his supposed fans love the White Sox but hate Reinsdorf’s White Sox. No one would care if he made googly eyes at various suburbs and anyone who does will more likely say, “Fine, go.” It’s a great place to see a game, no matter what Reinsdorf says in the coming months or years.
But the fans don’t appreciate his half-assed approach. The White Sox aren’t going anywhere. The best Reinsdorf can hope for is to get a more sweetheart deal to stay right where he is. Unless he is so desperate to be this century’s Art Modell, he would not make much impact. It’s likely purposes that the best way Reinsdorf can get a new stadium here is to sell the team as soon as the work is done. However, it’s unlikely to happen because he can’t lose a deal, ever.